Saturday, January 15, 2011

Blog The Change For Animals! Guest Post By Cheryl Lang From No Paws Left Behind

National Non-Profit Committed to Helping the Silent Victims of America’s Foreclosure Crisis Hits Major Milestone

Organization started by REO property management president and CEO,
rescues 1000th animal and urges Americans to “Leave No Paws Behind”

At the close of 2010, No Paws Left Behind, Inc. (NPLB) announced its1000th foreclosure animal rescue. To date 1000 abandoned animals from dogs, cats, llamas to pot-bellied pigs have been successfully rescued and placed in “No Kill” shelters where foster care is provided until adoptive families can give them a good home.

In light of the increasing foreclosure epidemic, many homeowners have been faced with the hardship of having to leave their homes due to the current depressed economy that has rocked the housing market. In addition to losing their homes, many owners lack the financial means to continue taking care of their companion pets and end up leaving them behind. Subsequently, many pets are found locked in basements, garages, or simply left in backyards without adequate sustenance.

Headquartered in Houston, No Paws Left Behind was formed by a nationally recognized business woman and community leader. Cheryl Lang, President and CEO of Integrated Mortgage Solutions, (“IMS”), a leading provider of REO property inspections and rehabilitation was moved to create NPLP, after coming face-to-face with countless abandoned animals at inspection sites and vacant properties.  NPLB maintains a not for profit status and is a 501c3 organization.
Cheryl Lang

“Sadly, the current housing crisis has severely affected countless homeowners creating a trickle down negative effect on helpless animals,” said Cheryl Lang. “During routine housing inspections, we frequently discover animals left behind in deplorable conditions with no food or water and at times inadequate shelter,” added Lang.

Across the nation, NPLB has located homes and shelters and/or well-being support for 1000 abandoned animals found on foreclosed properties. With community support from local shelters, rescue groups and tireless volunteers, NPLB provides food, shelter, and vaccinations to abandoned animals 365 days of the year. In addition, the organization provides immediate support to owners faced with the terrible decision of having to part with their animals - from locating a new home for the pet to providing monetary assistance for pet deposits.

According to statistics from the Humane Society of the United States, 63 percent of all American households have pets, including 74.8 million own dogs and 88.3 million own cats. Six million Americans are projected to lose their homes before the financial crisis ends, meaning more than 3.7 million companion pets are at risk of abandonment.

“We receive over 20 calls a week regarding an abandoned pet being left behind,” said Lang. “It’s just heartbreaking.” Our goal is to be the voice of these silent victims and bring greater awareness and solutions to the growing phenomena of foreclosure pets.”
As part of their Pet Awareness campaign, No Paws Left Behind has recently launched a hardship pet deposit assistance program that provides foreclosure homeowners with financial assistance, if they are unable to pay a pet deposit for a new home.

“We are thrilled and proud to have reached this momentous 1000th pet rescue milestone,” said Lang. “We will continue to strive to help homeowners and their pets through this foreclosure epidemic, so that no one is left behind without a home or shelter.  We could not have done it without the generous donations we receive from the general public.”

 No Paws Left Behind Mission Statement

No Paws Left Behind, Inc. is a focus driven not for profit organization, designed to bring awareness to all communities’ silent victims of foreclosure who have no voice or rights to implement change. As a united front, we will restore moral obligation toward all pets that have potential to be, or have been left behind to suffer needlessly. We further pledge to act as a support group for those who find foreclosure imminent and need help finding shelter for their beloved pets; be a resource for those who find or know of abandoned pets, and last but not least, we must unite to end the needless suffering by creating a national movement targeting lawmakers to change the laws categorizing pets as personal property. For more information, visit

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  1. This really touched me. Cheryl Lang is a person to admire and emulate. Keep up the good work!

  2. This is a terrific and timely project. I especially appreciate this phrase in your mission statement: "...we will restore moral obligation toward all pets..." Indeed.

  3. What a wonderful organization. Thanks so much for posting about it. The 1000th pet milestone is to be congratulated!

  4. Wow, Caren! The number of animals placed in No Kill shelters is amazing. That No Paws Left Behind can be that selective in light of a tremendous crisis is almost unbelievable. Hurrah for them! And many thanks to you for Blogging the Change!!


  5. So glad that they exist but sad that they have to in the first place. Thanks for sharing this Caren :)

  6. Me and my mom adore people like Cheryl Lang
    She has done a wonderful jobs and we hope and wish she achieve her goal easily and got so many many supporters. And we wish people will stop to abandon their pet. And all of them are safe and been look after so well.

    Puddy and Mom

  7. Hey Cody,
    I went to check you out at Pet Blogs United today but I didn't you there. Where are you ? I just see the doggies !

  8. That's a very sad post ! I don't understand these people, there are other issues than locking pets in the basement ! Fortunately that institutions like yours exist !

  9. I love the mission of this organization - the trials of "foreclosure pets" is one that is close to my heart.
    That pet deposit program is a super idea! I love it!!

  10. Great post. Thanks for sharing.

    Love and licks Winnie

  11. I really liked reading about this organization. Your blog surprises me everyday, just added it to my blogrog @

  12. @AmazonCares, yes Cheryl is amazing, there should be something like this EVERYWHERE! Thanks for reading! Will be over to yours today!

    @The Vet Girl, so glad you enjoyed this! LOL! I am glad my blog "surprises" you! That frankly is my intent..all cats, all the is a "Chat about cats" so you never know what will turn up here! Thanks for reading!

    @Winnie, yes Cheryl did an amazing post thank you! Love and kitty kisses to YOU!

  13. @CindyLu, I do too! I agree about the pet deposit program too, genius!

    @Gattina, I frankly don't understand it either...if nothing else they can take the pet to a vet who would also find a home for it. My vet has had cats taken there before. They don't like to do it but they will!

    @Mr.Puddy, we are on different time than you here! Right now it is 6:46am....not sure what time it was here when you looked. Pam probably didn't post it yet but she said it would be up today. Sorry! We also love the work that Cheryl is doing which is why we wanted to feature her and her organization. We didn't know about her until we blogged about the Foreclosure cats in Michigan. She does amazing work!

  14. @Liz, my hat is off to her and her organization too!

    @MissKrisTV agreed! Shouldn't have to exist to begin with but these are the times we live in! Thanks for reading!

    @Kim thank you! Thank you for sponsoring Blog The Change...I think it is wonderful and that is why I like to participate. Am grateful to Cheryl and No Paws Left Behind for all they do! Will be over to see yours later..have a busy morning, then early afternoon but hope to get over to everyone by tonight. Have a great day!

  15. @Hilary, you are welcome and thank YOU for reading/caring...yes NPLB is to be hugely congratulated!!

    @Deborah Flick sooo true! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting on this most important and sadly, much needed organization

  16. What a moving post; it is so sad read about this, although in the back of our minds we know it is all around us. Cheryl is to be commended.

  17. Thank goodness for lovely amazing people like Ms Cheryl Lang! We think what she's aiming to do nationally is so important because sadly animals who were formerly pets are the least priorities but the first to be abandoned during hard times. It's so sad but so inexcusable!

    Take care

  18. What a wonderful cause. I'm so glad that an organization exists to help left-behind pets. As others have said, NPLB makes a very sad situation a little better.

  19. I hope there are more Cheryl Langs in the world and less strays and abandoned pets in the world too. It is really heartbreaking to see those helpless animals trapped in the locked and closed property by their owners. My small wish is these people can at least find a good homes for their pets before they leave their premises instead of leaving them with no foods and drinks!
    Im going over to read Pet Blogs United now :)

  20. It just breaks my heart. Thank goodness for organizations like this to come to the rescue. Thanks for posting.

  21. That is so wonderful, I am so very happy there are humans like that out there!

  22. What a wonderful organization. Bless them for all the great work they do.

    Thoughts in Progress

  23. Great post...Heading over to pet's united now...

  24. What a great group. It's so sad how this national crisis is effecting animals, too. So glad this is around to help.

  25. Thank you all for your caring, heartfelt sentiments...usually I try to reply to everyone separately but I am having some kidney stone issues today and not feeling like myself but I at least wanted to thank everyone for reading.
    Yes Cheryl is to be is so sad that this situation even exists...but sadly with the economy the way that it is it is the nature of our world today.
    Maybe more groups like this one will spring up around the country, that would be great! When I win the lottery I will buy acreage and take as many dogs and cats as I can!

  26. What a great organization! There are so many rescues out there that take in mill dogs, owner surrenders, etc, and while they surely take in abandoned animals too, it's great to see a rescue focused on foreclosures.

  27. Hi Cathy and Cody! :) I am so happy for you being featured over at Pet Blogs United!!!!!! I love hearing about all the places like No Paws Left Behind and I think the idea of giving a hardship allowance for pet deposits is such a great idea, no one wants to be separated from a pet if they can help it. We took in a stray kitten last Fall and never once thought of bringing her to a shelter simply because we know how over crowded they are now, and we are glad we didn't because she is a joy and fits is great with our other two stray cats and our Corgi. Love is funny in how it finds you.

    I also wanted to let you know that I have picked you as one of my 15 blogs to pass on the 'Stylish Blog' award to, you and Cody always make me smile! The info on the award is on my blog page,, I just won it yesterday. Have a great weekend!!

  28. Thank you for sharing that story.
    Benny & Lily

  29. Absolutely wonderful post - great organization to highlight. We are lucky to have people like Cheryl out there making a difference. The plight of foreclosure pets is heartbreaking, and I'm glad that this group is working hard to take care of them. Simply inspiring.

  30. Ms. Cheryl Lang and her organization sure changes the world. My two kitties are my kids and can't think about leaving them behind at any situation. I hope people try to find alternate home or shelter for their pets instead of just abondoning them. Thank you for sharing the story. It is always good to know there are so many caring people :-)

  31. This is a big problem everywhere, not just in the USA... There are a lot of people who lose their homes here too.

    One of the sweet things I did see though was homeless people still taking care of their pet.

    But of course, not everyone can do that. Thanks for sharing this!

  32. Cheryl Lang is the kind of person I aspire to be. How giving and dedicated she is to the cats of her area to put in all this work and time. Her organization sounds just incredible. There needs to be more people in the world like her. It's wonderfully uplifting to know that such positive things can come out of such serious heartbreak.

  33. Hee..Hee.. You are right , Cody
    It's all about the time ! I just went there and it's brilliant !


  34. Knowing that there are people like Cheryl in the world, brings hope. Thank you so much for your kind heart and tireless efforts!

  35. Thank you to ALL who took the time to comment! I wish that Cheryl would drop by and see all of the wonderful comments that you left. I agree with all of you!

    I am sorry I am not answering individually but right now I am in kidney stone hell!!

  36. great post! great cause! thanks for writing about it Caren! Our Mommy donates 15% if the profits from all her dog and cat art to the
    Kelowna, BC, Humane Society and the GrAnd Forks, BC SPCA.
    Plus extras!

  37. This is a cause with a whole lot of HEART. Love it. I'll help spread the word.

  38. thank you for being a guest Blogger on this Fabulous Blog. (Caren and Cody Rock!) Cheryl is fantastic, and bringing attention to this issue is so important. What a bittersweet story by a wonderful person.

    Caren, congrats on the Pets United recognition! I hope your kidney stone gets resolved soon.

    Lisa, Madison and Abigail

  39. Thanks again to all who have commented! I apologize for not answering everyone individually (like I normally like to do)
    Abigail, madison and Lisa THANK YOU so much!

    I have a type of kidney (medullary sponge kidneys, actually both kidneys are this type) their job is to MAKE stones...I am always loaded with stones and occasionally they cause problems like they are today! they say..."this too shall PASS" (pun intended!)....if it would just come out! :(

  40. I read this post earlier but didn't really know what to comment. This is such a great organization that she started, and it's unfortunate that it is so greatly needed. I cannot imagine how it must feel to be in the position where you have to leave your pets behind.

  41. Sunday 16/01/11

    Dear Caren,

    I'm glad I can made you smile and I purrs for you straight away to get better

    About the music, If you have your account with Youtube, they have the special page calls " YoutubeVideo Editor " and you can find the music there by search.
    And add it to your video but their rule : you have to have their AD. if you use their music.

    If you need any help, Please let my mom know by my email :

    Kisses, Hugs and Purrs

  42. That's a really serious issue! Our Mama volunteers at a pet rescue organization, and she says she's met a lot of dogs who were left in empty houses or backyards when their families have to move. :(

  43. Caren I hope you are feeling better in no time!! :) Remember, good things come (or go) to those who wait.

  44. All the babies out there hopeless and helpless breaks my mom's heart.

  45. What an awesome project to help people in need! We need more Cheryls in this world.

  46. Oh, no!! Stones are torture! Crossing all appendages here for you they "pass" ;) real soon!

    Awesome organization!

  47. What a great cause!! We wish Cheryl all the best.

  48. @CindyLu, yeah..they sure are! thankfully this one seems like it is trying to come out and is "stuck"...if I could just pass it. It feels like knives are "you-know-where"!!! lol!!! The ones with the pain in the side are worse....with the number of stones that I have I often pass "sand"....which is awfully painful too...I sooo want to reply to everyone individually but am just not feeling up to it. Thanks so much! xoox

  49. @Mr.Puddy, thanks so much for the info! An ad seems like a fair exchange for using the music. I still have to master the video camera before I worry about music! lol. Thanks so much!!
    I would love for you to email me ANYTIME! My email is
    Love you Puddy and love to your Mom too!

  50. @Coupon Queen, THANK YOU! If it would just PASS!!! xoxo

  51. @Trixie, I know it is sooo sad!

    @OKCats, I know you have been super busy and thank you for putting us on your list to visit! I know, it is so sad and so hard to know what to say.

    TO EVERYONE WHO COMMENTED:THANK YOU! I apologize for not answering everyone individually but I am not feeling well at all....I don't mean to ignore anyone and I am so happy that all of you stopped by! Hopefully this darned thing will pass soon! Love to all!

  52. There is something for you on my blog.

  53. Wow, what an inspirational woman and what a cool group! There are so many sad stories out there about animals being abandoned when people lose their houses so it's great to see an organization dedicated to correcting that problem! Bravo!

  54. Hello!
    Very beautiful project ...
    Thank You very much for sharing...

  55. I have written in Your old posts which I missed ...

  56. I hope that your kidney stones are done soon.

    What a wonderful organization. I'm sure if people loose their homes, they can't afford a pet deposit on a new apt. Great organization to help out like that.

  57. That is just terrible... just SO distressing that people should be in such a financial distress that they would have to abandon their pet. But wonderful to find such a blessed lady in the mist of it. Thank goodness that souls like that appear in times of such a tragedy.

    Congrats on the feature!

  58. Pawsome product!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  59. Hi All!
    What a DIFFERENCE a day makes! The stone seems to have relocated (or passed!) won't go into detail but the women out there will get the "drift" if they think about WHERE it was stuck! TMI! lol

    @onemixedbag, my stones are NEVER gone due to the condition that I have, the key is keeping them at a manageable level...thanks so much for your concern and to everyone else who asked about them. They are NOT fun!

    @Oskar omg you scared me when you said "Pawsome product" ...I was doing a draft of something today and yesterday and was terrified that I accidentally posted it! lol

    @Amin, yes I have seen your comments and I thank you!!! I was not myself this weekend and wasn't able to comment to everyone individually and I apologize!
    I thank you ALL for your wonderful thoughts that you posted on this most important organization.
    Love you all!

  60. Such a great article....terrible to think that my "brothers-and-sisters-from-another-mother" could be left all alone....I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my humanoids to stroke me.

    That's a really nice lady you wrote about!
    Good luck to you all!

    Laters, the cutest kitten x
